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  • AutorenbildDavid J. Lndner

Is a good museums day today? Values matters!

If therer would be a museum to your honors. What would be the message about you?

I've read recently a book called "The Big Five For Live". There was a pretty interesting story in it. A guy was ask if today would be a good day for the museum. A pretty unusal question, isn't it?

The explenation is pretty interesting. Let's assume somebody would open up a museum to your honors. What should the audience see? Should they see that you were annoyed going to work, or that you walked throug life unhappy and depressed? Wouldn't it be better to show the people your inner values and what you did out of them?

Day by day we have the opportunity to bring our values to this world. To deliver values to our environment and help others. Wouldn't it be great that the message could be to show the world the outstanding things you did? How you made this world a better place?

Your values matter!

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